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cf. aff. spp. sp. ssp 의 의미

actually "cf.", "aff." are Latin abbreviations not "spp.", sp. or ssp.

사실 cf.와 aff.가 라틴어의 축약형인것은 맞지만, spp.와 sp. ssp.의 경우에는 아니다.

spp. is simply the plural form of "sp." or species, correct, and ssp is subspecies.

spp.는 species, 즉 sp.의 단순한 복수형이며, ssp는 아종을 의미한다.

cf. is short for "confer" meaning "compare with" in the context of systematics/taxonomy = correct, but see below.

cf.는 계통분류학에서 confer, compare with라는 의미의 축약형이다.

aff. is short for "affinis" meaning "it has affinities of that species" (eg fins, or account, colours, or shape), but see below.

aff.는 affinis의 축약형이며, 해당 A종은 지느러미나 색상 모향 등의 다른 종B과 유사한 특성을 지니고 있다는 의미이다.

"cf." is used with a specimen that the author (writer/ichthyologist, describer, etc.) wants to compare with the following cited species, 

but he believes that it is different, probably new to science. 

cf.는 저자가 해당종 A가 다른 B종과 유사하여 비교하고 싶을때 사용하지만, 

그가 아마도 A종은 B종과는 다른 새로운 종이라는 생각을 가지고 있을때 쓰인다.

"aff." is used a specimen that has similar characters (morphology) as the following cited species, 

but he is not (yet) sure that it is a different species.

aff.는 저자가 해당종 A는 B종과 유사할 경우 사용하지만,

그는 아마도 아직까지 그것의 차이에 대해서 확신을 가지고 있지 않을때 쓰인다.

"sp." is used in the case that an author (writer, ichthyologist, etc.) can not say any of the above mentioned, 

but he is sure of the fact that the species he is talking about (writing, or showing a photo of) belongs to the referred genus (eg. Rasbora sp.), 

but does not know at all if new, or which species it might be.

sp.는 저자가 생각하기로 A의 분류학적위치나 상황을 위에 해당하는 경우로 설명할 수 없을 경우 사용한다.

그는 해당종 A가 언급된 genus에 속한다는 것을 확신하고 있으나, 

해당종이 새로운 것이거나 어떤 종과 유사한지 모를 경우 사용한다.

aff.affinishaving affinity with but is not identical withArchipilium sp. aff. A. macropus
cf.conferprobably belongs to the identified species (refer to or compare with)Rhizosolenia cf. styliformis
f.formasomething like varietyRhizosolenia antennata f. semispina
groupvaries species combined under one group which are difficult to distinguish (combines at least 2 taxa)Thalassiothrix group
p.p.pro part
s.ampl.sensu amplo---
s.f.sensu formain the form (taxonomy) sense
s.l.sensu latoin the broader sense
s.str.sensu strictoin the strict (narrow) sense
sensuspecies identification following a particular authorRhizosolenia styliformis sensu Sundström (1986)
sp.speciesdetermination of one species which was identified only at generic levelThalassiosira sp.
sp. A or sp.1authors personal identification of a species; not to be defined as parameterThalassionema sp. A
spp.determination of several species, which were identified only at generic level (plural of sp.)Chaetoceros spp.
ssp.subspeciesidentification below species levelAmmodiscus ssp.
var.varietasvariety of a species (e.g. in shape or color); no real status in nomenclatureThalassionema nitzschiodes var. parva
var. cf.varietas conferprobably belongs to the identified varietyThalassionema nitzschiodes var. cf. parva