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conservation genetics

chapter 1 introduction

chapter 2 genetics and extinction

chapter 3 genetic diversity

chapter 4 characterizing genetic diversity: single loci

chapter 5 characterizing genetic diversity: quantitative variation

chapter 6 evolutionary impacts of natural selection in large populations

chapter 7 evolutionary impacts of mutation and migration, and their interactions with selection in large populations

chapter 8 genetic consequences of small population sizes

chapter 9 maintenance of genetic diversity

chapter 10 population genomics

chapter 11 loss of genetic diversity in small populations

chapter 12 inbreeding

chapter 13 inbreeding depression

chapter 14 population fragmentation

chapter 15 genetically viable populations

chapter 16 resolving taxonomic uncertainties and defining management units

chapter 17 genetic management of wild populations

chapter 18 genetic issues in introduces and invasive species

chapter 19 genetic management of captive populations

chapter 20 genetic management for reintroduction

chapter 21 use of molecular genetics in forensics and to understand species biology

chapter 22 the broader context: population viability analysis(PVA)

chapter 1 introduction

the sixth extinction

why conserve biodiversity?

endangered and extinct species

what is an endangered species?

what cause extinctions?

recognition of genetic factors in conservation biology

what is conservation genetics?

examples of the use of genetics to aid conservation

genetic management of threatened species

sources of information

general bibliography

chapter 2 genetics and extinction

genetics and the fate of endangered species

relationships between inbreeding and extinction

relationship between loss of genetic diversity and extinction


chapter 3 genetic diversity

importance of genetic diversity

what is genetic diversity?

measuring genetic diversity

extent of genetic diversity

low genetic diversity in threatened species and bottlenecked populations

variation over space and time

genetic differences among species

chapter 4 characterizing genetic diversity: single loci

describing genetic diversity

frequencies of alleles and genotype

hardy-weinberg equilibrium

expected heterozygosity

deviation from hardy-weinberg equilibrium

extension of the hardy-weinberg equilibrium

more than one locus: linkage disequilibrium

chapter 5 characterizing genetic diversity: quantitative variation

importance of quantitative characters

properties of quantitative characters

basis of quantitative genetic variation

methods for detecting quantitative genetic variation

partitioning genetic and environmental variation

evolutionary potential, additive variation and heritability

dominance variation

measuaring genetic changes over time

correlations between molecular and quantitative genetic variation

genotype environment interaction

chapter 6 evolutionary impacts of natural selection in large populations

the need to evolve

factors controlling the evolution of populations


selection on quantitative characters

chapter 7 evolutionary impacts of mutation and migration, and their interactions with selection in large populations

factors controlling the evolution of populations

importance of mutation and migration and their interations with selection in conservation

origin and regeneration of genetic diversity


mutation-selection balance and the mutation load


migration-selection equilibria and clines

chapter 8 genetic consequences of small population sizes

importance of small populations in conservation biology

chance effects


effects of population bottlenecks


measuring population size

selection in small populations

mutation-selection equilibrium in small populations

computer simulation

chapter 9 maintenance of genetic diversity

consevation of genetic diversity

fate of different classes of mutations

maintenance of genetic diversity in large populations

neutral mutations under random genetic drift

selection intensities vary among characters

balancing selection

reproductive fitness

maintenance of genetic diversity in small populations

chapter 10 population genomics

genome sequencing and population genomics

cDNA expression microarrays

what conservation benefits might be gained from genomics?

genome organization

insights into evolution from genomics

insights from gene expression studies

prospects for individual-locus genetic management

chapter 11 loss of genetic diversity in small populations

changes in genetic diversity over time

relationship between loss of genetic diversity and reduced fitness

effects of sustained population size restrictions on genetic diversity

relationship between population size and genetic diversity in wild populations

effective population size

measuring effective population size

gene trees and coalescence

chapter 12 inbreeding

what is inbreeding?

conservation concerns with inbreeding

measuring inbreeding: inbreeding coefficient (F)

genetic consequences of inbreeding

inbreeding in small random mating populations


regular systems of inbreeding

mutaion-selection balance with inbreeding

inbreeding in polyploids

relationships between inbreeding, heterozygosity, genetic diversity and population size

chapter 13 inbreeding depression

inbreeding depression in naturally outbreeding species

inbreeding depression in the wild

inbreeding depression due to small population size

inbreeding, population viability and extinction

characteristics of inbreeding depression

inbreeding depression in species that regularly inbreed

genetic basis of inbreeding depression


detecting and measuring inbreeding depression

genetic rescue

chapter 14 population fragmentation

habitat fragmentation

population fragmentation

population structure

completely isolated population fragments

measuring population fragmentation: F statistics

gene flow among population fragments

measuring gene flow

landscape genetics

impacts of different population structures on reproductive fitness

chapter 15 genetically viable populations

shortage of space for threatened species

how large?

retaining reproductive fitness

retaining evolutionary potential

how large are threatened populations?

long-term retention of single-locus genetic diversity

time to regenerate genetic diversity

avoiding accumulation of new deleterious mutations

genetic goals in the management of wild populations

genetic goals in management of captive populations: a compromise

the fallacy of small surviving populations

chapter 16 resolving taxonomic uncertainties and defining management units

importance of accurate taxonomy in conservation biology

what is species?


how do species arise?

delineating sympatric species

delineating allopatric species

genetic distance

constructing phylogenetic trees

outbreeding depression

defining management units within species

chapter 17 genetic management of wild populations

genetic issues in wild populations

increasing population size

diagnosing genetic problems

genetic rescue of small inbred populations by outcrossing

genetic management of fragmented populations

genetic issues in reserve design

impacts of harvesting

genetic management of species that are not outbreeding diploids

chapter 18 genetic issues in introduces and invasive species

impact of invasive species on biodiversity

phase in establishment of invasive species

genetic issues in invasion biology

evolution of native species in response to introduces species

control of invasive species

introgression and hybridization

chapter 19 genetic management of captive populations

why captive breed?

stages in captive breeding and reintroduction

founding captive populations

growth of captive populations

genetic management during the maintenance phase

captive management of groups

ex situ conservation of plants

reproductive technology and genome resource banks

managing inherited diseases in endangered species

chapter 20 genetic management for reintroduction


genetic changes in captive that affect reintroduction success

genetic adaptation to captivity

genetic management of reintroductions

how successful are reintroductions?

supportive breeding

caae studies in captive breeding and reintroduction

chapter 21 use of molecular genetics in forensics and to understand species biology

forensics: detecting illegal hunting and collecting

understanding a species' biology is critical to its conservation

population size and demographic history

gene flow and population structure

reintroduction and translocation

breeding systems, parentage, founder relationships and sexing



aging and fitness from telomere lengths

dating using molecular clocks

chapter 22 the broader context: population viability analysis (PVA)

what cause endangerment and extinction?

predicting extinction probabilities: population viability analysis (PVA)

genetics and PVA

insights into the causes of extinction from PVA

recovering threatened populations

using PVA to evaluate management options: case studies

how useful are the predictions of PVA?

lessons learned

minimum viable population sizes (MVP)