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ROV, remotely operated vehicle

 ROV, 원격 조종 수중 탈것 'ㅡ' !!!
 (원격이지만 유선임니다, 그렇다고 탈 수 있는것도 아니고ㅋㅋㅋ)

파티마 엔지니어링에서 렌즈교체, 전면부 프로텍터 추가설치, 컨트롤회로교체 후 돌아온 KORDI, 1108호의 ROV. 
이녀석 데리고 필드에 나가려면, 컨트롤러, 모니터, 전압부, 엄청난 길이의 케이블, 중형발전기, 기름 %$!@#$!
그래도 물속에서 부르르르 지나다니는 이녀석을 보면 정말 귀엽다는 느낌이 든다.

remotely operated vehicle (ROV) is a tethered underwater vehicle. 

They are common in deepwater industries such as offshore hydrocarbon extraction
An ROV may sometimes be called a remotely operated underwater vehicle to distinguish it from remote control vehicles operating on land or in the air. ROVs are unoccupied, highly maneuverable and operated by a person aboard a vessel. 
They are linked to the ship by a tether (sometimes referred to as an umbilical cable), 
a group of cables that carry electrical power, video and data signals back and forth between the operator and the vehicle. 
High power applications will often use hydraulics in addition to electrical cabling. 
Most ROVs are equipped with at least a video camera and lights. 
Additional equipment is commonly added to expand the vehicle’s capabilities. 
These may include sonarsmagnetometers, a still camera, a manipulator or cutting arm, 
water samplers, and instruments that measure water clarity, light penetration and temperature.

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