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CO1 gene, ideal barcoding gene


The ideal barcoding gene

A gene from mitochondria, called cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (CO1), 

was selected by the Consortium for the Barcode of Life (CBOL) as the ideal gene for DNA barcoding animal species.

It’s an essential gene

Cellular respiration breaks down food molecules, like 
glucose, to release carbon dioxide and water. 

It’s how the cell generates energy.

The CO1 gene codes for a protein that has an essential role in cellular respiration.

It’s present in many living things

The CO1 gene is present in most eukaryotes.

This gene is highly conserved across species where energy is generated from mitochondria

Because the gene is highly conserved, it can be copied from unknown organisms.

Each cell contains many identical copies

The CO1 gene is a mitochondrial gene.

Each cell has many mitochondria (from 1-1000 copies depending upon how much energy the cell needs), 

each one containing multiple copies of mitochondrial DNA

When tissue sample is limited, this means that you’ve got a good chance of extracting enough mitochondrial DNA for successful PCR.

Close enough but not too close

For DNA barcoding of animals, the CO1 gene can be used to identify individuals belonging to the same species, 

as well as to distinguish between individuals from different species

This is because the rate that the gene sequence changes over time is slow enough so that it’s likely to be identical in the same species, 

but fast enough so that it’s different between species.

Problems with the ideal gene?

  • Fake copies of the gene or pseudogenes – copies of mitochondrial genes are sometimes transferred from mitochondrial DNA to nuclear DNA during evolution. Scientists may unintentionally amplify and sequence these nuclear pseudogenes.
  • Not an ideal gene for barcoding plants – while mitochondria are present in plants, the sequence of the plant CO1 gene doesn’t change much. This means that it can’t be used for DNA barcoding. The search is on for a gene or genes that will allow plant DNA to be barcoded.