Coralline algae, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Coralline algae Fossil range: Ordovician–recent[1][2] | |
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Scientific classification | |
Domain: | Eukaryota |
(unranked): | Archaeplastida |
Phylum: | Rhodophyta |
Class: | Rhodophyceae |
Order: | Corallinales |
Family: | Coralline |
Genera | |
Coralline algae are red algae in the Family Corallinaceae of the order Corallinales.
They are characterized by a thallus that is hard because of calcareous deposits contained within the cell walls.
The colors of these algae are most typically pink, or some other shade of red, but some species can be purple, yellow, blue, white or gray-green.
Unattached specimens (maerl, rhodoliths) may form relatively smooth compact balls to warty or fruticose thalli.
Many are typically encrusting and rock-like, found in marine waters all over the world.
Coralline algae play an important role in the ecology of coral reefs. Sea urchins, parrot fish, limpets (molluscs) and chitons (molluscs) feed on coralline algae.
coralline algae는 corallinales목의 corallinaceae과에 속한 red algae 홍조류이며, 그들은 세포벽 내의 석회성분의 침전물로 단단한 thallus를 가진다. 일반적으로 대다수는 핑크색을 띄고 있으나 때때로 보라색이나 노란색, 파란색, 흰색, 녹회색을 가지기도 한다.
비부착성 종들은 상대적으로 부드럽고 작은 공모양에서 부터 혹투성이나 관목모양의 엽상체를 가진다.
대부분의 종들은 일반적으로 전세계 바다에 걸쳐 암반을 뒤덮거나 암반과 같은 형태를 가진다.
이러한 coralline algae들은 성게나 비늘돔, 삿갓조개, 군부 등의 먹이가 되므로 생태계에서 중요한 역할을 하고 있다.
A close look at almost any intertidal rocky shore or coral reef will reveal an abundance of pink to pinkish-grey patches, splashed as though by a mad painter over rock surfaces. These patches of pink paint are actually living algae: crustose coralline red algae. The red algae belong to the division Rhodophyta, within which the coralline algae form a distinct, exclusively marine order, the Corallinales.
조간대 암반구역이나 산호초를 자세히 들여다 본다면 어느 미친 화가가 돌 표면에 물감을 튀겼나 라고 생각될 정도로, 분홍색과 분홍빛이 도는 회색 패치들을 볼 수 는데, 이들은 실제 살아있는 해조류, crustose coralline red algae로서 홍조류의 Rhodophyta문 Corallinales목에 속한다.
Coralline algae are widespread in all of the world's oceans, where they often cover close to 100% of rocky substrata. Many are epiphytic (grow on other algae or marine angiosperms), or epizoic (grow on animals), and some are even parasitic on other corallines. Despite their ubiquity, the coralline algae are poorly known by ecologists, and even by specialist phycologists (people who study algae). For example, a recent book on the seaweeds of Hawai'i does not include any crustose coralline algae, even though corallines are quite well studied there and dominate many marine areas.
Coralline algae들은 대게 100%에 가까울 정도로 암반지형을 덮으며 전세계바다에 걸쳐 널리 분포하고 있다. 이들 대부분은 다른 해조류등에 착생하는 ephiphytic이나, 다른 동물들에 붙어 자라는 epizoic 그리고 심지어는 다른 석회조류위에 붙어 기생하는 형태로 서식한다. 이들의 편재에도 불구하고 coralline algae는 생태학자들(;ㅁ;ㅋㅋㅋㅋ)이나 해조류를 공부하는 학자(;ㅅ;ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ)들에게 조차 많이 알려지지 않았다. (예로 하와이의 해조류책에 coralline algae가 아예 다루어 지지 않았다고 하고있음ㅋ)
Traditionally, corallines have been divided into two groups, although this division does not constitute a taxonomic grouping:
- the geniculate (articulated) corallines;
- the non-geniculate (non-articulated) corallines.
corallines들은 아직 분류학적으로 그룹이 나뉘어지고 있지는 않았으나, 전통적으로는 두개의 그룹으로 분류되어지고 있다.
- 유절 석회조류 the geniculate (articulated) corallines;
- 무절 석회조류 the non-geniculate (non-articulated) corallines.
Geniculate corallines are branching, tree-like plants which are attached to the substratum by crustose or calcified, root-like holdfasts. The plants are made flexible by having non-calcified sections (genicula) separating longer calcified sections intergenicula). Nongeniculate corallines range from a few micrometres to several centimetres thick crusts. They are often very slow growing, and may occur on rock, coral skeletons, shells, other algae or seagrasses. Crusts may be thin and leafy to thick and strongly adherent. Some are parasitic or partly endophytic on other corallines. Many coralline crusts produce knobby protuberances ranging from a millimetre to several centimetres high. Some are free-living as rhodoliths (rounded, free-living specimens). There are over 1600 described species of nongeniculate coralline algae.[3]
geniculate coralline, 유절석회조류는 석회성의 holdfast를 이용하여 표면에 부착하여 생활하는 가지를 지닌 나무처럼 생긴 식물이다. 이들은 비석회성인 관절부분(genicula)과 조금 더 긴 석회성인 intergenicula부분으로 이루어져 있다.
nongeniculate coralline, 무절석회조류의 외피두께는 마이크로미터에서 센티미터까지의 범위를 가지며, 대게 얇은 엽상의 형태로 표면에 강하게 부착하고 있다. 이들은 암반이나 산호충의 뼈대, 조개패각, 다른 해조류 등의 표면에서 아주 느린 성장을 하며 살아간다. 몇몇 종들은 기생성이거나 부분적으로 다른 석회조류 개체 내에 서식하기도 한다. 석회성의 외피는 밀리미터에서 센티미터에 이르는 높이의 혹모양 돌기들을 형성한다. 몇몇은 둥글고 자유유영을 하는 rhodolith와 같이 자유유영을 하며 살아가기도 한다. 1600종 이상의 무절석회조류가 보고되고 있다.
Contents |
1. Morphology
The corallines are always calcified.
They may bear conceptacles; their cells may fuse, and they may exhibit secondary pit connections.[4]
They are capable of constructing stromatolites.[5]
Thalli can be divided into three layers: the hypo-, peri- and epi-thallus.[6]
2. Evolution
The earliest corallines known date from the Ordovician,[1][2] although modern forms radiated in the Cretaceous.[4]
Stem group corallines are reported from the Ediacaran Doushantuo formation.[4]
The corallines are thought to have evolved from within the Solenoporaceae.[7]
3. History
The first coralline alga recognized as a living organism was probably Corallina in the 1st century AD.[8]
In 1837 Rodolfo Amando Philippi recognized that coralline algae were not animals and he proposed the two generic names Lithophyllum and Lithothamnion as Lithothamnium.[8]
For many years they were included in the order Cryptonemiales as the family Corallinaceae until in 1986 they were raised to the order Corallinales.
4. Corallines in community ecology
Many corallines produce chemicals which promote the settlement of the larvae of certain herbivorous invertebrates, particularly abalone.
Larval settlement is adaptive for the corallines because the herbivores remove epiphytes which might otherwise smother the crusts and pre-empt available light.
Settlement is also important for abalone aquaculture; corallines appear to enhance larval metamorphosis and the survival of larvae through the critical settlement period.
It also has significance at the community level;
the presence of herbivores associated with corallines can generate patchiness in the survival of young stages of dominant seaweeds.
This has been seen this in eastern Canada, and it is suspected the same phenomenon occurs on Indo-Pacific coral reefs, yet nothing is known about the herbivore enhancement role of Indo-Pacific corallines, or whether this phenomenon is important in coral reef communities.
석회조류들은 전복과 같은 특정 초식 무척추동물의 유생 부착을 유도하는 화학물질들을 생성한다.
Some corallines slough off a surface layer of epithallial cells,
which in a few cases may be an anti-fouling mechanism which serves the same function as enhancing herbivore recruitment.
This also affects the community, as many algae recruit on the surface of a sloughing coralline, and are then lost with the surface layer of cells.
This can also generate patchiness within the community.
The common Indo-Pacific corallines Neogoniolithon fosliei and Sporolithon ptychoides slough epithallial cells in continuous sheets which often lie on the surface of the plants.
Not all sloughing serves an anti-fouling function.
Epithallial shedding in most corallines is probably simply a means of getting rid of damaged cells whose metabolic function has become impaired.
Morton and his students studied sloughing in the South African intertidal coralline algae,
Spongites yendoi, a species which sloughs up to 50% of its thickness twice a year.
This deep-layer sloughing, which is energetically costly, does not affect seaweed recruitment when herbivores are removed.
The surface of these plants is usually kept clean by herbivores, particularly the pear limpet, Patella cochlear.
Sloughing in this case is probably a means of eliminating old reproductive structures and grazer-damaged surface cells, and reducing the likelihood of surface penetration by burrowing organisms.
Some coralline algae develop into thick crusts which provide microhabitat for many invertebrates.
For example, off eastern Canada, Morton found that juvenile sea urchins, chitons, and limpets suffer nearly 100% mortality due to fish predation unless they are protected by knobby and under-cut coralline algae.
This is probably an important factor affecting the distribution and grazing effects of herbivores within marine communities.
Nothing is known about the microhabitat role of Indo-Pacific corallines.
However, the most common species in the region, Hydrolithon onkodes, often forms an intimate relationship with the chiton Cryptoplax larvaeformis.
The chiton lives in burrows that it makes in H. onkodes plants, and comes out at night to graze on the surface of the coralline.
This combination of grazing and burrowing results in a peculiar growth form (called "castles") in H. onkodes in which the coralline produces nearly vertical, irregularly curved lamellae.
Non-geniculate corallines are of particular significance in the ecology of coral reefs, where they provide calcareous material to the structure of the reef, help cement the reef together, and are important sources of primary production.
Coralline algae are especially important in reef construction, as they lay down calcium carbonate as calcite.
Although they contribute considerable bulk to the calcium carbonate structure of coral reefs, their more important role in most areas of the reef, is in acting as the cement which binds the reef materials into a sturdy structure.
Corallines are particularly important in constructing the algal ridge's reef framework for surf-pounded reefs in both the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific regions.
Algal ridges are carbonate frameworks constructed mainly by nongeniculate coralline algae (after Adey 1978).
They require high and persistent wave action to form, so develop best on windward reefs with little or no seasonal change in wind direction.
Algal ridges are one of the main reef structures that prevent oceanic waves from striking adjacent coastlines, helping to prevent coastal erosion.
5. Economic importance
Because of their calcified structure, coralline algae have a number of economic uses.
The collection of unattached corallines (maërl) for use as soil conditioners dates to the 18th century.
This is particularly significant in Britain and France, where more than 300,000 tonnes of Phymatolithon calcareum (Pallas) Adey & McKinnin and Lithothamnion corallioides are dredged annually.
Some harvesting of maërl beds that span several thousand kilometres off the coast of Brazil takes place.
These beds contain as-yet undetermined species belonging to the genera Lithothamnion and Lithophyllum.
Maërl is also used as a food additive for cattle and pigs, as well as in the filtration of acidic drinking water.
The earliest use of corallines in medicine involved the preparation of a vermifuge from ground geniculate corallines of the genera Corallina and Jania.
This use stopped towards the end of the 18th century. Medical science now uses corallines in the preparation of dental bone implants.
The cell fusions provide the matrix for the regeneration of bone tissue.
Since coralline algae contain calcium carbonate, they fossilize fairly well.
They are particularly significant as stratigraphic markers in petroleum geology.
Coralline rock also functions as building stones, with the best examples being in Vienna, Austria.
6. Aquaria
As a colorful component of live rock sold in the marine aquarium trade, and an important part of reef health, coralline algae are desired in home aquariums for their aesthetic qualities, and ostensible benefit to the tank ecosystem.
7. See also
- Coralline for other organisms that resemble coral
- List of coralline algae species in the British Isles
8. References
- ^ a b Riding, R.; Cope, J.C.W.; Taylor, P.D. (1998). "A coralline-like red alga from the Lower Ordovician of Wales". Palaeontology 41: 1069–1076.
- ^ a b Brooke, C.; Riding, R. (1998). "Ordovician and Silurian coralline red algae". Lethaia 31 (3): 185–195. doi:10.1111/j.1502-3931.1998.tb00506.x (inactive 2009-04-14).
- ^ Woelkerling, Wm.J. (1988). The coralline red algae : an analysis of the genera and subfamilies of nongeniculate Corallinaceae. London: British Museum (Natural History). ISBN 0-19-854249-6.
- ^ a b c Xiao, S.; Knoll, A.H.; Yuan, X.; Pueschel, C.M. (2004). "Phosphatized multicellular algae in the Neoproterozoic Doushantuo Formation, China, and the early evolution of florideophyte red algae". American Journal of Botany 91 (2): 214–227. doi:10.3732/ajb.91.2.214.
- ^ Wendt, J. (1 February 1993). "Solenoporacean Stromatolites". PALAIOS 8 (1): 101–110. doi:10.2307/3515224. ISSN 08831351.
- ^ Blackwell, W. H.; Marak, J. H.; Powell, M. J. (1982). "THE IDENTITY AND REPRODUCTIVE STRUCTURES OF A MISPLACED SOLENOPORA (RHODOPHYCOPHYTA) FROM THE ORDOVICIAN OF SOUTHWESTERN OHIO AND EASTERN INDIANA1". Journal of Phycology 18: 477. doi:10.1111/j.0022-3646.1982.00477.x.
- ^ Johnson, R. (1 May 1956). "Ancestry of the Coralline Algae". Journal of Paleontology 30 (3): 445–772. doi:10.2307/1300291. ISSN 00223360. PMID 1300291.
- ^ a b Linda M. Irvine & Yvonne M. Chamberlain. (1994). Corallinales, Hildenbrandiales. London: HMSO. ISBN 0 11 3100167.
9. Further references
- Morton, O. and Chamberlain, Y.M. 1985. Records of some epiphytic coralline algae in the nortth-east of Ireland. Ir. Nat. J. 21: 436 - 440.
- Morton, O. and Chamberlain, Y.M. 1989. Further records of encrusting coralline algae on the north-east coast of Ireland. Ir. Nat. J. 23: 102 - 106.
- Suneson, S. 1943. The structure, life-history, and taxonomy of the Swedish Corallinaceae. Lunds Universitets Arsskrift, N.F., Avd.2, 39(9): 1 - 66.
- Woelkerling, W.J. 1993. Type collections of Corallinales (Rhodophyta) in the Foslie Herbarium (TRH). Gunneria 67 1 - 289.
- ITIS Report for Corallinaceae
10. External links
- British Phycological Society
- Seaweed Site
- AlgaeBase
- Coralline algae website at the University of the Western Cape
- Coralline algae.
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