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군소, sea hares

Aplysia parvula Guilding
Tiny sea hare

썽펭펭의 제주도 위미 감태실험사이트에서 찍은 군소 사진 ;ㅅ;
외갓집(경남 양산) 제사상에는 이게 아직도 올라온다.

외할머니는 군소를 군수라고 부르는데, 물론 어머니도 ㅎ
아이들은 '군수'를 못먹게 했었다는 이야기를 아직도 하신다
( 군수는 어른이니깐 :P )

나무 꼬쟁이에 꽂혀서 까맣고 무섭게 생겨서
아직 먹어보진 않았지만 맛있다고들 하셨는데...

대부분 조간대나 3미터 이내의 얕은 수심에서 많이 봤던것 같다.
일단 잡으면 보라색 잉크가 ;ㅅ; 등에서 흘러나오니 주의할것!!!!!
(연막역할을 하거나 화학적 방어작용을 하는 독성)


The clade Aplysiomorpha commonly known as Sea hares (Aplysia species and related genera) are medium-sized to very large sea slugs with a soft internal shell made of protein. These are marine gastropod molluscs in the superfamilies Aplysioidea and Akeroidea.

The common name "sea hare" derives from their rounded shape and from the two long rhinophores that project upwards from their heads and that somewhat resemble rabbit ears.

Life habits

Sea hares are herbivore/herbivorous, and are typically found on seaweed in shallow water. It seems to be the case that some young sea hares are capable of burrowing in soft sediment leaving only their rhinophores and mantle opening showing. Sea hares have an extremely good sense of smell. They can follow even the faintest scent using their rhinophores, which are extremely sensitive chemoreceptors.

Their color corresponds with the color of the seaweed they eat: red sea hares have been feeding on red seaweed. This camouflages them from predators.

When disturbed, a sea hare can release ink from its ink glands, providing a potent deterrent to predators. This release acts as a smoke screen, while at the same time, adversely affecting the smell sensors of their predators. In a small environment, this ink could be toxic to the inhabitants. The color of the ink is white, purple or reddish, depending on the color of the pigments in their seaweed food source. Their skin contains a similar toxin that renders sea hares largely inedible to many predators.

Some sea hares can employ jet propulsion as a locomotory method, although without the sophisticated cognitive machinery of the cephalopods their motion is somewhat erratic.