Elysia chlorotica is a small-to-medium-sized species of green sea slug, a marine opisthobranch gastropod mollusc. This sea slug superficially resembles a nudibranch, yet it does not belong to that suborder of gastropods. Instead it is a member of the closely-related suborder Sacoglossa. The suborder Sacoglossa are known as the 'sap-sucking Opisthobranchias'. Many members of this group use chloroplasts from the algae they eat; a phenomenon known as kleptoplasty. Elysia chlorotica is one of the "solar-powered sea slugs", utilizing solar energy via chloroplasts from its algal food. It lives in a subcellular endosymbiotic relationship with chloroplasts of the marine heterokont alga Vaucheria litorea.
푸른민달팽이는 동물이자 식물
푸른민달팽이(Elysia chlorotica)는 반은 식물이고 반은 동물로서 엽록소를 만들어낸다는 사실이 처음으로 밝혀졌다고 라이브사이언스 닷컴이 보도했다. |
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진화 과정상의 링크같은 부분은 아닌것 같고, (그러면 더 재미있을 텐데)
하지만 DNA가 옮겨가다니 ;ㅅ; symbiont도 아니고 !!!!
어떻게 algae의 그것을 가져갔는지 설명해달라!!!
세포재생, 광합성이 가능한 동물 키메라 같은게 만들어질텐가;;;
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